How To Make Cold Brew Coffee In A Mason Jar?

Cold brew coffee has taken the world by storm, offering a smoother, less acidic alternative to traditional hot brew methods. Not only does it offer a unique flavor profile, but making cold brew at home is also surprisingly simple. One of the most convenient and cost-effective ways to make cold brew coffee is by using a mason jar. Here, we will discuss the step-by-step process of making delicious cold brew coffee right in the comfort of your home using a mason jar.

If you love coffee, you’ve likely heard of cold brew. It’s a cool, smooth drink perfect for hot days. Want to make it at home? A mason jar is all you need! In this guide, we’ll show you how. Plus, we’ll introduce you to Aerial Resupply Coffee, a company with unique coffee blends like Lifeline Light Roast and MOAB Double Caffeinated Medium Roast. Stay tuned!

Why Use A Mason Jar?

Before diving into the process, it’s worth understanding why a mason jar is an excellent choice for making cold brew coffee:

  1. Convenience: Mason jars are readily available and come in various sizes, making it easy to customize your brew.
  2. Sealability: The airtight seal of a mason jar ensures that your coffee remains fresh and flavorful.
  3. Portability: Once your cold brew is ready, you can simply grab your mason jar and go.

Advantages Of Using A Mason Jar For Cold Brew

Advantages Of Using A Mason Jar For Cold Brew
  1. Availability and Affordability: Mason jars are easy to find and cost-effective, making them accessible for many coffee enthusiasts.
  2. Customizable Sizes: With a range of sizes available, mason jars allow for flexibility in the quantity of cold brew produced.
  3. Non-Reactive Material: Being made of glass, mason jars ensure that the coffee’s flavor remains untainted as glass is non-reactive.
  4. Eco-Friendly and Reusable: Mason jars are simple to clean and can be reused multiple times, promoting sustainability.

Ingredients You Will Need

To make cold brew coffee using a mason jar, you’ll need the following ingredients:

  • Coarsely ground coffee beans
  • Cold water
  • Mason jar with a lid
  • Fine mesh sieve or cheesecloth for straining

Step-by-Step Guide To Making Cold Brew Coffee In A Mason Jar


A quick and tasty way to enjoy coffee without the bitterness that comes from using traditional brewing methods is to make cold brew coffee. A simple and practical method that you can do at home is to make cold brew in a mason jar. This is how to prepare cold brew in a mason jar.

Step 1: Measure The Coffee

Start by measuring out your coarsely ground coffee. A general rule of thumb is to use a 1:4 coffee-to-water ratio. For example, if you’re using 1 cup of coffee, you’ll need 4 cups of cold water.

Step 2: Combine Coffee And Water

Pour the measured coffee grounds into your mason jar, followed by the cold water. Give it a gentle stir to ensure that all the coffee grounds are saturated.

Step 3: Seal And Shake

Once the coffee and water are combined, seal the mason jar tightly with its lid. Give it a good shake to ensure that the coffee grounds are evenly distributed in the water.

Step 4: Steep The Coffee

Place the sealed mason jar in the refrigerator and let it steep for 12 to 24 hours. The longer you steep, the stronger and more concentrated your cold brew will be.

Step 5: Strain The Cold Brew

After the steeping period, remove the mason jar from the refrigerator. Place a fine mesh sieve or cheesecloth over a separate container and pour the cold brew through it to separate the liquid from the coffee grounds.

Step 6: Dilute And Enjoy

Once strained, your cold brew coffee concentrate is ready. To serve, dilute the concentrate with an equal amount of water or milk, depending on your preference. Add ice cubes and any sweeteners or flavorings you like, and enjoy your homemade cold brew coffee!

Recommended Mason Jar Sizes For Making Cold Brew

Recommended Mason Jar Sizes For Making Cold Brew

When it comes to making cold brew coffee in a mason jar, the size of the jar you choose can impact the brewing process and the quantity of coffee you can make. Here are some recommended mason jar sizes for crafting the perfect cold brew:

1. Quart-Size Mason Jar (32 oz)

  • Ideal for: Beginners or those making cold brew for personal consumption.
  • Quantity: Produces approximately 4 cups of cold brew concentrate.
  • Convenience: Compact size makes it easy to store in the refrigerator.

2. Half-Gallon Mason Jar (64 oz)

  • Ideal for: Moderate coffee drinkers or small households.
  • Quantity: Yields about 8 cups of cold brew concentrate.
  • Versatility: Offers a balance between volume and convenience.

3. Gallon Mason Jar (128 oz)

  • Ideal for: Large families, gatherings, or avid coffee drinkers.
  • Quantity: Generates roughly 16 cups of cold brew concentrate.
  • Bulk Brewing: Suitable for making larger batches at once.

Tips For Choosing the Right Size:

  1. Frequency of Use: Consider how often you’ll be making cold brew. For daily consumption, a smaller jar may suffice, while occasional brewers might opt for a larger size.
  2. Storage Space: Ensure your refrigerator has adequate space to accommodate the mason jar, especially if you choose a larger size.
  3. Personal Preferences: If you prefer to experiment with different coffee-to-water ratios or flavors, having multiple jar sizes on hand can be beneficial.

The recommended mason jar size for making cold brew depends on your brewing needs, storage capacity, and personal preferences. By selecting the right size, you can enjoy a consistent and satisfying cold brew coffee experience for the Perfect Cold Brew

  • Grind Size: Opt for a coarse grind to prevent over-extraction and bitterness.
  • Water Quality: Use filtered water for the best flavor.
  • Brew Time: Experiment with steeping times to find your perfect balance between strength and flavor.
  • Storage: Store any leftover cold brew in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.

Storing Cold Brew In A Mason Jar

Storing Cold Brew In A Mason Jar

Proper storage of cold brew coffee is crucial to maintain its freshness, flavor, and quality over time. Mason jars offer an excellent solution for storing cold brew due to their airtight seals and durability. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to store cold brew in a mason jar:

1. Airtight Sealing

  • Ensure Tight Seal: Before storing, make sure the mason jar lid is securely tightened to create an airtight seal. This prevents oxidation and maintains the coffee’s flavor.

2. Refrigeration

  • Cool Temperature: Always store cold brew in the refrigerator. Cold temperatures help preserve the coffee’s taste and prevent bacterial growth.
  • Avoid Freezing: While cold brew can be stored in the freezer, freezing may alter its flavor profile and texture. It’s best to consume frozen cold brew within a month.

3. Duration Of Storage

  • Freshness: For optimal freshness and flavor, consume cold brew within 2 weeks of brewing.
  • Extended Storage: If you need to store cold brew for a longer period, consider freezing it in ice cube trays. This allows you to use small portions as needed without compromising the entire batch.

4. Reusability

  • Reuse the Jar: After finishing a batch of cold brew, wash the mason jar thoroughly with warm, soapy water. Rinse well and allow it to air dry. The jar is now ready for your next batch!

5. Flavor Preservation

  • Minimize Air Exposure: When storing cold brew, minimize air exposure as much as possible. This helps retain the coffee’s original flavor and aroma.
  • Avoid Direct Sunlight: Store the mason jar in a dark or shaded area of the refrigerator to prevent light exposure, which can degrade the coffee’s quality over time.


Can you use a mason jar as a coffee cup?

A single Mason jar serves multiple purposes and is ideal for brewing hot coffee in the morning or cold brew in the afternoon. Mason jars are a nonplastic, nontoxic, and nonreactive glass material, in contrast to most tumblers and travel mugs.

Why are Mason jar lids 2 pieces?

The lid, which has a rubber ring to create an airtight seal and is meant for one-time use, is the first component. The reusable outer band has screw threads to secure the lid to the jar. Making preserves at home is simple and safe when using this method of canning.

What is the ratio for cold brew coffee?

We always use a 1:12 ratio (coffee to water) for cold brew. The grind size ought to be comparable to coarse sand or pour-over or filter sand.

What is the difference between a jar and a mason jar?

AspectCommercial JarsMason Jars
Sealing SurfaceNarrower rimWider rim for better sealing
Use in Commercial SettingsCommonly used in commercial productsOften recognized as genuine Mason jars
Design VariationVaried designs and sealing capabilitiesConsistent wider rim design
Seal QualityMay have varied sealing efficiencyDesigned for optimal sealing performance

Why can’t you reuse mason jar lids?

She suggests that while glass canning jars can be reused, canning lids should not be repeated. Food safety may be compromised if the gasket compound in used lids fails to seal on jars.

Final Thoughts

Making cold brew coffee in a mason jar is a simple and rewarding process that allows you to enjoy a delicious, smooth cup of coffee at home. With just a few basic ingredients and a little patience, you can create a coffee concentrate that can be customized to your taste preferences. So why wait? Grab your mason jar and start brewing your own cold brew coffee today.

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