How Many M&Ms Can Fit In A Mason Jar?

Mason jars are neat glass containers, often used for storing foods. Ever thought about filling one with colorful M&Ms? This article will help you figure out just how many M&Ms can fit inside. Imagine a jar filled to the brim with M&Ms, waiting to be counted. Curious about how many there might be?

Mason jars have a classic look and are great for storing items. M&Ms, those tiny chocolate candies with colorful shells, are a favorite treat for many. Combining the two seems like a fun idea. But, how many M&Ms can you actually fit inside a mason jar? Let’s explore its details and find out.

The Basics Of Mason Jars

Before diving into our M&M calculations, let’s first understand what a mason jar is and its typical dimensions.

What is a Mason Jar? A mason jar is a molded glass jar used in home canning to preserve food. They come in various sizes and are recognized for their threaded necks, tight-sealing lids, and iconic appearance.

Typical Dimensions:

  • Diameter: Around 3 inches (7.62 cm)
  • Height: Varies based on the size, but a common size might be 5.5 inches (13.97 cm)

The Size Of An M&M

The Size Of An M&M

To accurately determine how many M&Ms fit inside a mason jar, we first need to know the size of the M&M.

Average Dimensions Of An M&M:

  • Diameter: Approximately 0.4 inches (1.02 cm)
  • Height: Roughly 0.2 inches (0.51 cm)

Calculating Volume: The Key To Our Answer

To find out how many M&Ms fit in a mason jar, we’ll use the concept of volume. In simple terms, volume tells us how much space an object takes up.

Volume of a Cylinder (like a Mason Jar): The formula to calculate the volume V of a cylinder is:



  • π (Pi) is a constant approximately equal to 3.14
  • r is the radius of the cylinder (half of the diameter)
  • h is the height of the cylinder

Volume of an M&M: The volume V of an M&M can be approximated using its dimensions. Since an M&M is roughly spherical (though with a flat base), we can use the formula for the volume V of a sphere:


Putting It All Together: The Calculation

To determine how many M&Ms fit in a mason jar, we’ll follow these steps:

  1. Calculate the Volume of a Single M&M: Using the formula for the volume of a sphere and the average dimensions of an M&M, we can find out the volume of a single candy.
  2. Calculate the Volume of the Mason Jar: Using the volume formula for a cylinder and the dimensions of the mason jar, we determine its volume.
  3. Divide the Volume of the Mason Jar by the Volume of a Single M&M: This will give us the approximate number of M&Ms that can fit inside the jar.

Practical Considerations And Adjustments

While the mathematical calculation provides an approximate number, real-world factors might affect the result:

  1. Air Pockets: When filling a jar with irregularly shaped objects like M&Ms, there will inevitably be small gaps or air pockets between the candies. This might reduce the number of M&Ms that can fit.
  2. Packing Density: How tightly the M&Ms are packed inside the jar can influence the final count. If they’re packed loosely, you might fit fewer than calculated, and if packed tightly, you might fit slightly more.
  3. Jar Shape: Not all mason jars are perfectly cylindrical. Some might have slight variations in shape or design that could affect the number of M&Ms that fit.

How Many M&M’s In A 62 Oz Jar?

How Many M&M's In A 62 Oz Jar?

To determine how many M&M’s can fit in a 62 oz jar, we’ll need to make some assumptions and calculations.

  1. Volume of a Single M&M: If we assume the average volume of a single M&M is about 0.636 cubic centimeters (as mentioned in the previous context), then the next step is to determine the volume of the 62 oz jar.
  2. Volume of the Jar: First, convert 62 oz to cubic centimeters, as the volume of M&Ms is given in cubic centimeters.
    1 ounce (oz) is approximately 29.57 cubic centimeters (cc).
    Therefore, 62 oz would be: 62 oz×29.57 cc/oz=1834.34 cc62 oz×29.57 cc/oz=1834.34 cc
  3. Calculating the Number of M&M’s: Now, we can determine how many M&Ms can fit in this volume. Using the volume of a single M&M (0.636 cc), we’ll divide the total volume of the jar by the volume of one M&M:
    \frac{1834.34 \text{ cc}}{0.636 \text{ cc/M&M}} \approx 2881

So, approximately 2881 M&Ms can fit in a 62 oz jar, given the assumptions and calculations made.


How many peanut M&Ms fit in a 16 oz jar?

It is impossible to provide a precise response because the question does not specify the volume of one M&M. But a 16-ounce jar should hold between 500 and 600 peanut M&Ms on average.

How many candies fit in a Mason jar?

If the candies are spheres, figure out 64 percent of the jar’s total volume; if they are oblate spheroids, figure out 66.5 percent of the jar’s volume. Divide your estimation of one candy’s size for spherical candies by 64 percent of the jar’s volume.

How many M&Ms are in a normal size package?

Different M&M bags come in various sizes. Some are small for Halloween, and others are big from places like Costco. But for the regular grocery store M&M bag? There are around 56 M&Ms inside.

What do you fill guessing jars with?

A few large glass jars or clear containers are the first thing you’ll need. After obtaining that, you can select the tiny items you’ll use to fill the jars. Jars can hold anything from tiny paper clips to candy and marbles for an especially challenging guessing game.

How much does a mason jar fit?

Jars come in capacities ranging from 4 ounces to 64 ounces. Pints (16 oz.) and quarts (32 oz.) are the most popular sizes. Mason jars can be used for a variety of things, such as drinks, décor, and syrup dispensers.

Final Thoughts

So, how many M&Ms fit in a mason jar? While the exact number will vary based on the factors discussed, using the formula for volume can provide a reasonable estimate. Next time you’re curious or planning a fun project involving M&Ms and mason jars, you’ll have a better understanding of the math behind it. Whether for a party, a gift, or simply for fun, knowing the science can make the experience even sweeter!

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