Can Mason Jars Go In The Dishwasher?

Mason jars are a popular choice for storing foods and drinks. Many wonder if these sturdy jars can safely go into the dishwasher for cleaning. The answer is yes, but with some precautions. Understanding the right way to clean mason jars in the dishwasher ensures they remain in top condition for a long time.

Think about making yummy food, putting the extras in mason jars, and then thinking about how to clean them. Can they handle the dishwasher? Read on to find out how to keep your mason jars clean and safe.

Mason jars are popular because they look nice and are useful. People use them to save jams, pickle veggies, or drink from them. Since we often see them in our kitchens, it’s important to know how to clean them. This article will answer if it’s okay to wash mason jars in the dishwasher. Let’s find out.

What Are Mason Jars And Why They Are Important?

What Are Mason Jars And Why They Are Important?

Mason jars, also known as Ball jars or canning jars, have a rich history dating back to the 1850s. Originally used for preserving food, these jars have a distinct look characterized by their clear glass body, screw-on lids, and two-piece design.

Their popularity stems from their versatility. Mason jars aren’t just containers; they’re tools for organization, decoration, and culinary creativity. From storing dry ingredients to serving drinks at parties, their uses are manifold.

The Dishwasher Dilemma

Dishwashers are a convenient way to clean a variety of kitchen items. However, given the delicate nature of some glassware and the potential for temperature variations, concerns arise about whether mason jars can handle the dishwasher’s cleaning process.

Factors To Consider

  1. Glass Quality: Mason jars are made from tempered glass, designed to withstand thermal shock. This means they can handle rapid temperature changes better than regular glassware.
  2. Lid Material: While the glass body of the jar may handle the dishwasher, the metal lids can be prone to rusting over time due to prolonged exposure to water and detergent.

Pros And Cons Of Dishwashing Mason Jars


  1. Efficiency: Dishwashers offer a thorough cleaning, ensuring all nooks and crannies of the mason jar are sanitized.
  2. Time-saving: Handwashing individual jars can be time-consuming, making the dishwasher a convenient alternative for those with busy schedules.


  1. Lid Issues: As mentioned earlier, the metal lids can deteriorate faster with repeated dishwasher cycles.
  2. Space Concerns: Mason jars can take up considerable space in the dishwasher, potentially limiting the cleaning capacity for other items.

Best Practices For Dishwashing Mason Jars

Best Practices For Dishwashing Mason Jars

Preparation Steps

  1. Separate Lids: Always remove the metal lids from the jars before placing them in the dishwasher. This prevents potential rusting and ensures a more thorough cleaning for both components.
  2. Avoid Overcrowding: Ensure there’s ample space between jars to allow water and detergent to circulate effectively.

Dishwasher Settings

  1. Gentle Cycle: Opt for a gentle or light wash cycle to minimize the risk of damage to the jars.
  2. Skip the Heated Dry: After the wash cycle, it’s advisable to skip the heated dry setting. Instead, air-drying the jars can prevent any potential heat-related issues.

Alternative Cleaning Methods

Handwashing Basics If you prefer not to risk your mason jars in the dishwasher, handwashing is a tried-and-true method. Here’s a simple guide:

  1. Use Warm Water: Start by rinsing the jar with warm water to remove any visible residues.
  2. Dish Soap: Apply a small amount of mild dish soap to a sponge or cloth and gently scrub the inside and outside of the jar.
  3. Rinse Thoroughly: Ensure all soap residues are washed away before air-drying the jar upside down on a drying rack.

Are All Mason Jars Dishwasher Safe?

Are All Mason Jars Dishwasher Safe?

Not all mason jars are made the same. Some can go in the dishwasher, but others might get damaged. It’s essential to check the jar’s label or ask the seller to know if it’s safe for the dishwasher.

If a mason jar isn’t labeled as dishwasher-safe, it’s better to wash it by hand. This way, we can keep our jars in good shape and avoid any unwanted surprises.


Can I put a glass jar in the dishwasher?

Glass containers can go on either the bottom or top dishwasher rack. Always place plastic lids on the top rack to prevent them from warping or cracking during drying.

Why is glass not dishwasher safe?

You can wash regular wine glasses and strong drinking glasses in the dishwasher. But, for delicate or special glasses like hand-painted ones, crystal, or milk glass, it’s safer to wash them by hand. This helps prevent them from breaking or getting cloudy and damaged.

Are Kilner mason jars dishwasher safe?

Each jar has the classic Kilner® look and comes with a guide inside. They’re made of strong glass that’s clear and even all around. Good news: you can wash them in the dishwasher.

Why do mason jars have 2 piece lids?

There are two parts to the jar lid. One has a rubber ring to seal it tight (use it once), and the other is a screw-on band (you can use it again). Using these, you can easily and safely make preserves in the jar.

What happens if you don’t sterilize mason jars?

Sterilizing is vital when preserving food. It gets rid of bacteria, yeasts, and fungi, keeping the food safe. If jars are dirty or not cleaned well, the food can go bad fast. Sterilizing is simple and fast, so always do it to keep your food fresh and safe.

Final Thoughts

Can Mason Jars Go In The Dishwasher? Using the dishwasher for mason jars can be safe, but we need to be careful. Remember to take off the metal lids and choose gentle settings. If unsure, handwashing is always a good option to keep our cherished jars looking their best.

In the end, whether you use a dishwasher or handwash, the key is to care for your mason jars with love. Keeping them clean ensures they stay useful and beautiful for all your kitchen adventures.

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